站长之家 - 语言 2013-10-19 11:50



基本命令:e filename Open filename for edition:w Save file:q Exit Vim:q! Quit without saving:x Write file (if changes has been made) and exit:sav filename Saves file as filename. Repeats the last change made in normal mode5. Repeats 5 times the last change made in normal mode在文件中移动k or Up Arrow move the cursor up one linej or Down Arrow move the cursor down one linee move the cursor to the end of the wordb move the cursor to the begining of the word0 move the cursor to the begining of the lineG move the cursor to the end of the filegg move the cursor to the begining of the fileL move the cursor to the bottom of the screen:59 move cursor to line 59. Replace 59 by the desired line number....


本文由站长之家用户“ 梦想天空”投稿,本平台仅提供信息索引服务。由于内容发布时间超过平台更新维护时间,为了保证文章信息的及时性,内容观点的准确性,平台将不提供完整的内容展现,本页面内容仅为平台搜索索引使用。需阅读完整内容的用户,请联系作者获取原文。



