站长之家 - 见闻 2019-10-15 08:45


站长之家(ChinaZ.com) 10 月 15 日消息:昨日彭博社报道称苹果两年来一直向腾讯发送包括 IP 地址在内的网络浏览数据。

报道称,根据条款内容,用户访问一个网址时,访问的这条操作记录会先发送给谷歌与腾讯来进行安全网站核查。谷歌与腾讯可能会记录访问者的 IP 信息等。

针对此报道,苹果今天苹果发表声明称,苹果通过「Safari 欺诈性网站警告」保护用户隐私和数据,这是一种可标记已知恶意网站的安全功能。


Apple protects user privacy and safeguards your data with Safari Fraudulent Website Warning, a security feature that flags websites known to be malicious in nature. When the feature is enabled, Safari checks the website URL against lists of known websites and displays a warning if the URL the user is visiting is suspected of fraudulent conduct like phishing. To accomplish this task, Safari receives a list of websites known to be malicious from Google, and for devices with their region code set to mainland China, it receives a list from Tencent. The actual URL of a website you visit is never shared with a safe browsing provider and the feature can be turned off.

Apple通过Safari Fraudulent Website Warning(Safari欺诈网站警告)保护用户隐私并保护用户数据,该功能可标记已知的恶意网站。启用此功能后,Safari会根据已知网站列表检查网站URL,并在用户访问的URL被怀疑存在欺诈行为(例如钓鱼网站)时显示警告。因此Safari与Google合作进行网址安全性检测,而对于其区域代码设置为中国大陆的设备,Safari则与腾讯合作进行网站安全性检测。用户访问的网站的实际URL永远不会与安全浏览提供商共享,同时用户也可以关闭该功能。




